Visiting a New Mom Before I Had Kids vs After

Visiting my sister-in-laws when they all had children before me was always a bit unusual for me. I had no babies. I had no upcoming plans for babies. I was a baby of the family, nor did I really “play” babies growing up.But now, three kids deep? Well… now it’s...

Tags: Postpartum

Stroller Strides: Exercising With Your Newborn

Exercise was never a social event for me but things changed once I became a stay-at-home mom. For one, I lost the desire to go running and by the time my husband got home where he could watch our baby it was already too dark, too cold, too whatever excuse...

Tags: Postpartum

Dressing Your Post-Birth Body

Clothes shopping after baby is just…different. No matter if you still have baby weight or you already lost it all, your body is just different. I didn’t notice it as much after my first as I am aware of it after my third, and I realize part of that is...

Don't Be Fooled...the "Baby Blues" Aren't Cute

"Baby blues" sounds so sweet, innocent even, as cute as a baby’s bright eyes. Don’t let the moniker fool you though. You may have something real and challenging going on inside of you even if your doctor has said you do not have postpartum depression (PPD); or even if you...