Postpartum Hormones: When you Think You're Out of the Woods, You're not

Prior to giving birth to my first child I, like many other pregnant women, obsessed over message boards, blogs, apps, books, articles, anything I could find about what labor and delivery was really like. I endlessly sought out all of those "10 Things Nobody Tells You About Birth" articles to...

Tags: Birth, Postpartum

My Experience with Postpartum Anxiety

“Do you ever feel like hurting your baby?” Of course not! I had gripped my first born tight to my chest, evidencing commitment to his safety. No one would EVER hurt him. “What about yourself?” Myself? If I hurt myself, my baby doesn’t get breastmilk. I have to stay healthy...

Postpartum Anxiety and Depression Can Hit Well After the Fourth Trimester

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Deception is a powerful tool in breaking relationships, keeping one’s self apart from the truth until what you excuse away no longer resembles reality at all. Mine, turns out, was mild but all-around depression and anxiety that lasted until one day, around 8 months post-partum the fog cleared. In the...