When Unsolicited Advice is Actually Helpful
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I recall getting frustrated by advice early on. My sister-in-law said she liked to think of outside advice as more telling of their story than that they are trying to intrude or instruct. It’s just somebody trying to be helpful and connect. Of course I replied, “Ain’t nobody got time...
Tags: Postpartum
Anxiously Waiting For Baby To Return To Their Birth Weight
What I envisioned breastfeeding being, in the hours, days, and weeks after having my first baby, and the reality was quite different. My son lost more than 10 percent of his body weight after he was born. Doctors and nurses were concerned about the decrease in weight and suggested supplementing...
Tags: Breastfeeding, Postpartum
Postpartum Anxiety
I asked my husband to pull the car over. NOW. We were on our way to a kid-friendly Christmas work party, and our toddler and infant were in the backseat. I didn't care. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. I needed...air. I needed out of the car. I demanded he stop as...
Tags: Postpartum
Getting Used to Your Post-partum Body
When I was pregnant I would scroll through Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram and admire the toned, perfect looking new moms. I couldn't wait to be them: walking around, looking great, showing off my fat doll baby. Although I was blessed with chunky babies, I did not bounce back. Initially, I...