Parenting Advice for Dads from The Rock

We all love Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, but after the birth of his baby girl, we love him even more. Here are four ways he is winning at parenting.He Understands the Importance of Skin to SkinIn 2015, The Rock posted on Instagram a photo of a sweet moment he shared...

Do You Tell People You Co-sleep?

  I feel like what I am about to say is a dark secret that I tried to hide for fear of being judged and seen as irresponsible. I hid this from family, friends, and even my daughter’s pediatrician.  My secret? I shared my bed with my daughter for the...

The Things I Don't Say

My mind it goes and thinks and feels and, sometimes, reels. It races, it’s dull and aches from time to time. After particularly long days my mind--my heart is there--I feel it heavy, but light…or dark? It’s off. Done for the day. I’m so busy keeping. Reminders, redirections, and reinforcement....

When Postpartum Feelings Surface and Your Baby Isn’t New

It’s been a few months since you gave birth and you should be feeling happy and elated in her new role. Instead, you don’t feel this way at all.You’re sad. You feel anxious and irritable. Why can’t your husband help more? What does this baby want when it cries? Why...