What is a Baby Box?
Some say that Finland’s low infant-mortality rate can be attributed to the baby box. The baby box is simply a cardboard box that includes a basic foam mattress that can serve as a safe place for an infant to sleep. The box may also be filled with several baby essentials...
Cosleeping After Infancy
There is a lot of information out there about co-sleeping, some of it is in favor, and other sources will tell you it’s not a good idea. A lot of the negative associations with co-sleeping surround the infant stage where the idea of bed sharing can be dangerous in those...
The Perils of Infant Sleep
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In my friend group, we’ve got five babies all about three months apart, and we all have a unique experience trying to get them to sleep. One of us had a baby that had her days and nights turned around, she would be up for hours in the middle of...