Life Lessons from My Difficult Mother-in-Law

I always dreamed of the relationship I would have with my mother-in-law. She would pass along mothering advice as we lunched at local delis and got pedicures. We would share a love of books, running and coffee. She would be a mentor and best friend. Cue idyllic whimsical music. Enter...

Using Your Freezer Stash Before it Expires

Sometimes, a nursing mother finds herself with a large stash of breastmilk in the freezer, which was always comforting to me when I had one, knowing I had backup (and backups for my backups at times) if anything were to happen to my supply.When your baby is weaning though, a...

Why I Still Wanted a Doula for Baby #3

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But after two babies and two positive birth experiences, I still wanted a doula for my third baby. She was born just 45 minutes after we got to the hospital, and my husband made the comment that we wasted that money on the doula since it didn’t take as long...

Flying with a 9-Month-Old

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This past June we flew across the country with our (at the time) 9-month-old and three-year-old. Our three-year-old had her own seat, but Junie was a lap infant. We had flown with Lily before, but only once she was older, so flying with a 9-mont-old was a new experience for...