Life Lessons from My Difficult Mother-in-Law

Life Lessons from My Difficult Mother-in-Law

Erin Burt

I always dreamed of the relationship I would have with my mother-in-law. She would pass along mothering advice as we lunched at local delis and got pedicures. We would share a love of books, running and coffee. She would be a mentor and best friend. Cue idyllic whimsical music.

Enter the man who would be my husband.

Since itā€™s not typical to screen potential mothers-in-law during the dating process I didnā€™t question when my husband admitted to not having much of a relationship with his mom and that he only saw her a couple of times a year. I still held out for my MIL unicorn. I knew it wasnā€™t a good idea to think I could change a guy once we were married, but a MIL? Everyone likes me! I could do it!

The first couple of years of marriage we briefly saw my in-laws at holidays. Things were always cordial so, when we started having children and my MIL asked if they could set up a standing weekly visit to see grandchildren, I said yes. Now, we could form the relationship I had always wanted. Whatā€™s once a week?

A once a week visit is, ostensibly, a lot. Especially with someone with whom you have zero relationship. It never occurred to me to dig deeper as to why my husband didnā€™t have much relationship with his family but, as I sat there nursing a newborn across the living room from these strangers, the reasons became increasingly evident. Tempers flared. Insults were hurled. Each and every parenting decision I made was passive-aggressively questioned.

So, we awkwardly rescinded the weekly visits for an occasional monthly visit. And while my MIL isnā€™t the mentor I hope for, here are a few things she HAS taught meā€¦

  1. You cannot force relationship simply for the sake of children. Actually, adding kids further complicates relationship-building.
  2. Itā€™s easier to loosen reigns than it is to tighten them. Transitioning from weekly visits to sporadic bimonthly visits was hurtful but necessary. I wish we would have started with fewer visits and slowly increased frequency.
  3. No matter how difficult my relationship with my mother-in-law, she is still my kidsā€™ grandma. I never speak ill of her in their presence and I cannot cut her off from seeing my kids, no matter the toll on me.
  4. No matter how clearly I feel I am articulating myself, I will not always be understood. Especially when it comes to how Iā€™ve chosen to parent.
  5. I am my kidsā€™ mom. At the end of the day, I have to put them above being liked by my MIL.

Kara Garis is a cloth diapering, baby wearing, semi-crunchy mama to two active boys and a baby girl. She lives with her husband in Oklahoma and loves running, cooking, traveling, reading and teaching herself how to braid. She blogs very infrequently at

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