Common Nursing Problems with an Older Baby
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Nursing a baby is a true act of love that requires lots of determination. For many moms, nursing never becomes a reality for a variety of reasons. I was blessed to have been able to nurse my older 2 children and currently I am nursing my third baby. While I love...
Tags: Breastfeeding
Baby-Led Weaning Meal Ideas
Real talk: I accidentally did baby-led weaning with my oldest when he was a baby.My husband bought a 12-cup food processor for me for Christmas while I was pregnant with my son. I had Big Plans to puree all of the foods and freeze them in silicone ice cube trays...
Tags: Breastfeeding
When Your Baby STILL Isn’t Sleeping Through the Night
We’ve all seen it. The shot of the adorable 6-week-old on Facebook with the caption, “Look who slept through the night for the first time!” or, “Look who gave mommy ten hours of sleep IN A ROW!” Insert all of the “Z” emojis.With my first child, I made a (bad)...
Tags: Breastfeeding
Every Mama Needs a Village--Even Before Your Baby is Born
I'm a new mom of a 6-week old baby girl, and when you're pregnant waiting for your first child to arrive it really is a magically beautiful time. It's also an anxiety riddled time full of uncertainty, doubt, and confusion and these only become heightened as the due date approaches....