Breastfeeding Gets Real on 'Girls'

Warning: Series-finale spoilers ahead. Girls and its star Lena Dunham have endured criticism from the start of the 6-season HBO series, mostly for the lack of realism portrayed as the story arc followed five 20-somethings trying to make it in NYC. As someone who grew up while Sex and City...

Weaning and Grieving It

Every other milestone has been a fun addition! Crawling, walking, eating solids! But weaning is the first subtraction…and I am sad.My friend shared this over a text as I sat breastfeeding my daughter for what would be, unbeknownst to me, the last time. I watched as her feet curled and...

My Milk Supply Tanked--Now What?

When my little girl was about 8 months old, a weird thing happened.We had been enjoying a mostly successful breastfeeding relationship and I had just enough milk for her. She had begun to eat some food and I started to notice a slight difference in what seemed like the quantity...

Blue Poop and Other Surprises

Let’s talk poop. When babies start solids—either whenever your mom starts bugging you to, or around 8 to 10 months if you’re starting baby led weaning—get ready for a fun surprise. If you’ve been breastfeeding up until now, you have been enjoying fairly odorless diapers. Not always pleasant, but it’s...