Tonies - Calm - Cap'n Dreambeard

Tonies SKU: Tonie

$ 17.99

Only 3 left!


Ahoy there, mateys! Cap’n Dreambeard is bringing you some of his favorite lessons from life on the briny deep. Get your sea legs as you learn to breathe like a pirate and weather stormy seas. Once yer smooth sailing, you’ll drop yer anchor for the night and snuggle down for a sleepy adventure.

Calm is the leading mental wellness brand with the #1 App for Sleep, Meditation and RelaxationTM, designed to help you manage stress, sleep better and live a happier, healthier life.

This Tonie teaches kids about:

  • Mindfulness
  • Breathwork
  • Winding down



1. Pirates Breath

2. Stormy Seas

3. Sleep Story

4. Waves

Total Run Time: 55 minutes

Audio Play

    To get started, all you need is internet access, a Toniebox with a Wi-Fi connection and a Toniecloud account. Tonie-App available for iOS from version 9 and Android from version 4.4. 


    Tonies Parents App