Tonies - Children's Favorite Sing Along Songs

Tonies SKU: Tonie

$ 17.99

Only 1 left!

 Some of the Best Children's Favorite Songs Right here on this adorable Tonie

  1. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
  2. Working on the Railroad
  3. I've Got A Car That's Made of Tin
  4. Bate Bate Chocolate
  5. Go Mango Walk
  6. Baby Bumblebee 
  7. Little Red Caboose
  8. An Austrian Went Yodeling
  9. Sing a Song of Sixpence
  10. When the Saints Go Marching/This Train
  11. Four White Horses
  12. There's A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
  13. Hey Diddle Diddle
  14. Apples & Bananas
  15. T-O-N-I_E
  16. Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
  17. Rig-A-Jig-Jig

Apprx. 43 Minutes


      To get started, all you need is internet access, a Toniebox with a Wi-Fi connection and a Toniecloud account. Tonie-App available for iOS from version 9 and Android from version 4.4. 


      Tonies Parents App