Toys Your Toddler and Preschooler will Both Love
Wendy Smith
My best friend has 5 kids, and she also keeps my toddler a couple days a week. I’ve learned a lot about kids and the toys they love watching our brood play. If there’s one thing I love, it’s investing in toys that will last a long time. I can’t control what gifts my girl gets, but when I spend my hard-earned cash on toys, I try to make sure they’re going to last a long time in my house. Here are some of the MMB favorites that can entertain both your older kiddos and your baby:
Tegu Blocks
My friend bought some Tegu Blocks for her teething baby. My toddler uses these on car trips with a metal pie pan to keep them somewhat contained. I took them to dinner with friends the other day, and her 3 elementary school daughters played with these for at least an hour. I have a wet bag for these and pull them out for appointments, car trips, and restaurant outings as a special quiet toy.
Micro Scooter
Your one-year-old isn’t quite ready for a Micro Scooter, but my girl got a micro mini scooter at 20 months and loves it! She’s not the best at steering yet, but she’s figuring it out. Micro Mini’s are rated up to 75 pounds, so they’ll last for quite a few years!
Fat Brain Toys
I just love Fat Brain Toys for open-ended play! We own and love lots of these toys for our house. Squigz are a great favorite for my toddler, our friends, and their older kids. The larger ones fit perfectly in tiny hands, and the regular and smaller ones are perfect for kiddos who have learned to not stick everything in their mouths!
Lego Duplos
Duplos are the classic open-ended toy. Your little ones will happily gnaw on a couple of blocks, while your 5-year-old builds a tower for the tiny one to knock over! My favorite secret about duplos is that they’ll stick on the regular legos. So your older kid can add their duplo creations to their regular lego world once their baby siblings go to bed! Pro tip - Once you get a large supply of Legos, buy a Lego storage bag to keep the legos together. This will keep you from stepping on them in the middle of the night. Game changer!
Jenny Ditch lives in Illinois with her husband and toddler and loves toys that stand the test of play for years!