Halloween Treats at Mom's Milk Boutique
It’s that time of year again when the leaves change colors, and the temperature starts to drop. Soon it will be time for trick-or-treating and Halloween parties. Here are some must-have items to make sure you are ready for all the fall festivities! Party TimeRe-Play is known for recycling milk jugs...
Tags: Product Review
Natural Personal Hygiene Products
There are multiple opportunities for our bodies to come into contact with harmful chemicals throughout the day. Our personal hygiene products shouldn’t be one of them. Look for products that are free of parabens, phthalates, and fragrances. If your stash of products needs a make over, check out this list...
Tags: Product Review, Self Care
Back to School Wishlist from MMB
Whether you jump for joy, fret, or lament… back to school is getting underway. I can almost smell the school supplies from the produce section of my local grocer.Speaking of local, make sure you check out the unique, cute, and environmentally friendly range of goodies at your local Mom’s Milk...
Tags: Preschoolers, Product Review
First Birthday Ideas for the Pinterest Challenged
I’m a busy mom, and I’m not great at throwing parties. So facing the daunting task of a first birthday party was stressful. I’m not a Pinterest mom, nor am I rich enough to employ a Pinterest mom to handle the party for me. I sought to minimize stress...