Stripping Your Cloth Diapers
My friend was talking to me about her cloth diapers the other day, and mentioned they were repelling and not absorbing as well as they did in the past. Do you wonder if you’ve got hard water? Are your diapers repelling? You’re going to want to get your water...
Tags: Cloth Diapers
Peaceful Potty Training
When the time comes for potty training it is met with mixed emotions. On the one hand, there are no longer diapers to purchase, or if you use cloth there are no longer dipes to rinse out. On the other hand, it's much easier to change a diaper than...
Tags: Cloth Diapers, Toddlers, Trainers
How to Ditch the Diaper Bag When You Still Have Kids in Diapers
When you have one baby, a diaper bag can be an exciting purchase. I have three little ones, and I can’t tell you how many diaper bags I have used through the years. From Thirty-One to Ju-ju-be, I have tried many that I have loved and many that I have...
Tags: Cloth Diapers, Diaper Bag
Smart Bottoms Dream Diaper Review
With my older two children, my kids’ heavy wetting nighttime diapering needs led me to wool and fitteds, big time. By the time my second son potty trained I had a pretty healthy stash to get rid of. Five years later, and well past my diapering days (or so I...