Pumping During the Holidays
Erin Burt
Very soon you’re going to be inundated with family events. You’ll possibly be traveling some distance, with at least one small child, all of your belongings, loads of gifts, and your constant companion, your pump.
I know you’re tired, and busy, and the very thought of adding the holidays to your schedule with pumping, parenting, and just plain living is completely stressful. Trust me, I know! The good news, is that this too shall pass, and perhaps it can pass in relative peace as well.
Multi-tasking is your friend
If you haven’t already picked up a hands-free pumping bra, this is the time to do it! You’ll be much more likely to be able to do some packing, wrap some gifts, or even work on those holiday dishes while pumping if you’re able to multi-task! Time is valuable, and being able to accomplish other things while pumping, especially during the holidays, is essential for your sanity!
Travel tips
If you don’t travel with your milk much, brush up on some traveling and pumping tips. You’ll be living in a weird schedule for at least part of the rest of this year, so you’re going to want to make sure you don’t waste your hard-earned liquid gold because you didn’t store or transport it properly. That’s a disappointment you don’t want to add to your holidays!
Take a moment to relax
Once the festivities are finally happening, take the opportunity to share the baby and take a peaceful pumping break. The best part of being together with loved ones during the holidays while you’re busy pumping is that you’ve got plenty of people to engage your little one while you’re occupied. Snuggle your baby up with great-grandma, grab a couple of snacks and find a quiet place to relax and pump without rushing for once! Or just grab a nursing cover and an outlet and enjoy some adult conversation! Either way, you can take a moment and relax a little.
This season of the year and this season of your life are both very short.
They are both very busy and very stressful. Don’t try to over-do it. Remember not to rush so much that you miss the memories. It’s ok to limit your activities or spread out your visits over a longer period of time to give your family, and yourself, more time to breathe. Give yourself permission to do what you can, and let go of any guilt you may have for what you’re not able to do right now.
Jenny Ditch and her husband and daughter live in Illinois and are always far too busy during the holidays.