Preparing Your Car for Winter Emergencies
Erin Burt
It’s been so cold lately, I haven’t even wanted to take my 9 month old out of the house!
Unfortunately, we can’t stay home for the duration of winter. So when we do have to venture out, there are a few things I do to make sure we are prepared in case of emergency.
Emergency Kit
You may have an emergency car kit for your car that includes items you would need for your vehicle, but you should also consider packing a “Mom’s Emergency Kit” as well. This allows us to be prepared in the case of emergency this winter while driving with our children.
Here is what I packed in my emergency kit:
Items for Warmth
In case we are ever stranded in the cold weather, we keep hot hands, thermal blankets, extra blankets, and extra socks in our emergency kit. The extra socks serve as “gloves” for my little ones to add an extra layer of warmth if needed.
Extra Food
We pack some extra bottles of water, baby food pouches, protein bars, granola bars, and crackers in our emergency kit. If you have a baby who takes formula, keep some formula in your kit as well. Also, be sure to label items clearly with expiration dates when necessary.
Things for Kids
I also keep a wet bag filled with baby items in my emergency kit. This includes a couple of extra diapers, baby wipes, a change of clothes, a book and a toy. I also throw in a couple suckers for the kids who are old enough. These would help distract children (and keep them happy) while parents handle the emergency situation.
Tidy Up
It’s also important to keep your vehicle free from extra clutter for two reasons. First, the absence of clutter will make it easier for your family to exit the vehicle in case of emergency. Second, anything in your vehicle that is not secured could become a hazard should an accident occur. All loose items in our vehicle run the risk of becoming airborne in the case of an accident. We reduce the risk of injury to our children from projectile objects when we keep our vehicle clear of clutter.
I hope to never need my emergency kit, but it is great to be prepared just in case.
Wendy is a breastfeeding, baby wearing mom of four in central Illinois where she blogs at TheMessyMom.net.