Parenting with a Side of Empathy
Erin Burt
Momming is tough even on its best days, never mind when your parental choices are being scrutinized daily on social media by complete strangers.
Enter Chrissy Teigan, who may just be my spirit animal in the mom world. She is one half of a celebrity couple, remains outspoken about what she believes is right, is an amazing cook, has a killer sense of humor, and deflects all of the haters out there with grace and wit, even when people are ridiculous. I mean, she has even been criticized for carrying her daughter.
She has been open about having postpartum depression, which she admitted she didn’t think could happen to her. She would spend days inside with all of the curtains closed sleeping on the couch, would go without eating and just felt so unhappy. She talked to her doctor to get help moving forward and now wants other women to know that it happens to anybody and it’s OK to talk about it.
Chrissy will also be the first to admit that she doesn’t know everything about parenting and is surprised by things that she didn’t know was “no-no,” but at the same time is learning, and what new parent isn’t learning as they go? It becomes difficult for her when a picture is snapped of her carrying her daughter inside a hotel without a coat in the rain. But she is quick to explain that the whole picture includes a lost battle in the car with a strong-willed toddler to put a coat on for a 30-second walk into a building (I think we’ve all been there).
If you ever need a laugh, or just to feel like you’re not-so-alone in the mom world, check out Chrissy’s social media accounts. She is very good at keeping motherhood real, because we all know it’s not easy. She will post pictures of mistakes in her cooking, pictures of her cellulite, and her posts on parenthood are what we all think and go through.
Basically, she is every mom. Granted her clothes, hair and makeup may be a little better than the rest of ours but she’s down to earth and relatable. She teaches us that people are going to judge your parenting regardless and the best you can do, is just that…do the best you can do.
Lisa is a mama to a strong-willed toddler of her own and appreciates knowing that even the most famous people are having the same daily struggles.