Moving with Baby
Erin Burt
In 2012, my husband started a new job, and we bought our first house. We moved in on a Friday, and our third baby was born the following Saturday. I always joked that we don’t recommend moving and having a baby at the same time, so when we found ourselves moving five years later after having baby number four, we were not amused at the irony.
Moving is hard. Having a baby is hard. There are a few things I learned through the experience to make life just a little easier when moving with a baby.
Live Minimalist
When showing a house to prospective buyers, you have to pair down on your possessions. This includes baby items. We packed away almost everything we received from our baby shower, and kept out only the bare essentials. We knew we would move in the first couple months of baby’s life, so we didn’t even set up his crib. We used a rock n play sleeper in our room to make it easier to nurse through the night. We packed away anything baby didn’t need in the first two months.
Plan Ahead
We moved during a season when I was getting very little sleep at night. It was so important to plan ahead and use my time wisely. I spent every spare moment packing boxes, even if the move was still several weeks away. This made it less stressful leading up to the move.
Accept Help
I don’t think I would have survived the move without the help of kind friends who brought us meals, helped pack boxes, and held our baby while I worked. I don’t know what we would have done without the help of our friends. Sometimes it’s hard to accept help, but when you’re moving with a baby, you absolutely are going to need extra hands.
Be Flexible
I had to be flexible with nursing and sleep schedules during the week of the move. I had to nurse the baby on the floor of an empty house, and the next day I had to nurse him while we signed the papers to purchase our home. Also, keep your diaper bag stocked full of anything you may need during the time when all of your belongings are packed in boxes.
Pack a First Night Box
I highly recommend packing a clear plastic tub with items you will need for your first night in your new home. Pack it in last so it’s one of the first things you unpack. I included toilet paper, paper towels, antibacterial wipes, hand soap, a white noise machine, baby monitor, diapers and wipes, and pajamas for baby. Include anything you may want for the first night and first morning in your new home. We also included cereal bars for the big kids for breakfast. This will help make your first night in your new home go as smoothly as possible.
Wendy is a mother of four who lives in central Illinois where she blogs at TheMessyMom.net.