Kid toys that You’ll Love Playing with, too!
Erin Burt
Whenever there’s a holiday, my mom usually asks me for suggestions for presents for my daughter. And, to be completely transparent here, my suggestions are usually based on what toys that the adults in my house would appreciate more. Please tell me I’m not the only one!
We have lots of friends who come to visit and we’ve always kept a few toys on the bookshelf for people to fidget with while they’re here. But now that we’ve had our daughter, our toys are much cooler!
I present to you, my favorite picks for toys for your kids that you’ll also enjoy:
These things are great! My girl has been able to use these at least a little since she was about 6 months old, and I see her loving them for a long time. The adults in my house like to take turns tossing the next one on the stack and see if they can toss the whole stack on from a foot or two away. It’s harder than it looks!
Spin Again
We got this for the first birthday and it quickly became a favorite for all ages! My girl learned to stack it herself, and everyone is mesmerized by the spinning. We like to see how quickly we can stack the discs.
The Classics
Play Dough
I am convinced you can never go wrong with play dough! Adults can sit around for hours and talk while creating with some good old fashioned play dough!
Wooden Blocks
We inherited some well-loved wooden blocks and animals from friends. These are a great source of fun for adults and kids alike. There aren’t many days that pass without us making stacks of animals and blocks!
Some other ideas
We don’t have these yet, but these are on my Christmas list for my girl *Hint hint grandma*. They look like a great time, for adults and kids alike!
- Tegu - blocks are always a win, and blocks that stay stuck together sound wonderful!
- Squigz - these are just the kind of thing that the adults in my life will love! We’ll probably get in lots of trouble with them, and they’ll probably end up all over my house, but I’m excited to bring these home!
- Wooden Dominos - If your kids are old enough, these look awesome! I love building a big project like this! It would be a blast to set up a fun domino run and save it for when the kids wake up in the morning for a special day!
Jenny Ditch lives with her husband and daughter in Illinois and loves finding kid toys that are fun to fidget with as well.