Getting Stuff Done while Baby Wearing
Erin Burt
If you’re like me, you count on baby wearing in order to get things done when you have a little one at home. Sometimes it’s the only way to get baby to sleep! I came across this video of a dad who was baby wearing in order to give his son a hair cut! I thought, “That’s brilliant!” And it made me wonder what other things parents are able to get done while baby wearing. So I polled a group of thousands of moms to find out what else could be done while wearing little ones, and here is what they had to say.
For Mom
Baby wearing helps moms (and dads) get stuff done! One of the most popular responses was cooking with baby in tow. Other moms are doing squats and push-ups, getting postpartum exams or lab work done, and even trying on jeans in the changing room at Target. Many moms said they wore their little ones to use the restroom in public, which can be a lifesaver! I love that there were so many moms who wore their little ones for their jobs. These included a realtor showing houses, a chiropractor giving adjustments, a dog groomer, a hair dresser, a gymnastics coach, and a dance teacher, all while baby wearing! My favorite was probably a momma who wore her baby while volunteering to help evacuate large animals during the California wildfire crisis. So inspiring!
For Baby
Baby wearing also helps moms take solve problems for their little ones, just like the dad needed his little guy to sit still for a haircut. Many moms mentioned trimming nails while baby wearing, which is brilliant. Others use their ring sling as a seat belt if the restaurant high chair buckle is broken. A few moms talked about baby wearing during their child’s EEG, which provided comfort for baby (and mom). You can even baby wear in order to bathe a slippery baby!
For Toddlers
Baby wearing isn’t just for babies! It helps tremendously when you have a toddler who runs, when you want to go where strollers can’t, or when you just need both hands.
I got so many responses of ways people unconventionally baby wear. I love how so many parents have found ways that baby wearing makes life so much easier!
Wendy is a mother of four who lives in central Illinois where she blogs at