Car Seat Safety Tips

Car Seat Safety Tips

Erin Burt

We all want our children to be safe. That’s why we do our best to choose a safe car seat from the start. There are some things we can do to help keep baby safe in the car.

Choosing a Safe Car Seat
Coming home from the hospital, you may choose to use an infant carrier. This type of car seat will allow you to move sleeping baby from the car while staying in the seat. A convertible seat is a seat that can rear face up to a certain weight, and then turn the same seat forward facing. Always check your manufacturer’s guide to know the weight limit for your seat, and be sure to check your state’s laws when deciding when to turn your little one’s seat around.

Double Check Installation
You’ll need to decide if you will use the seat belt to secure your seat, or your car’s latch system. Both are safe options, but don’t use them simultaneously. I highly recommend double checking the installation of your car seat from a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST). You can look for one in your area, or contact your local fire department to see if they will do car seat checks.

Having someone who is trained and certified to check the installation of your child’s seat will give you peace of mind that it is installed correctly.

Check the Straps
We are often in a hurry to get where we are going, but don’t get in such a hurry that you forget to check that your little one’s straps are safe every trip. Make sure the seat’s straps are straight, and free from twists or tangles.

Also, be sure baby’s chest strap is pulled up to his armpits. If the chest buckle is placed too low, it could cause serious injury in the case of an accident. Also, be sure that the strap is tightened well, but you can fit two fingers between your child and the strap.

If your car seat is ever involved in a vehicle accident, your seat may need to be replaced. Your manufacturer’s instructions should include all information concerning when to replace your car seat, including your seat’s expiration date.

Wendy is a breastfeeding, baby wearing mom of four in central Illinois where she blogs at  

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