Black Friday Deals at Mom's Milk Boutique
Erin Burt
Black Friday is coming. You know, that day when you spend money either online or in your favorite store on gifts galore for your kids, friends, family, and you. For me, this holiday is the most exciting when it involves gifts for my kids. Mom’s Milk Boutique never disappoints with Black Friday. Special and stackable freebies are always a hit with customers. Here are some items I would love to get on Black Friday for the people in my life.
For my Toddler
Where do I start? For my just turned 2-year-old, I would love to get her some more pretend play gifts. Sarah’s Silks are one item I have wanted to try. These playsilks are so versatile and involve imaginative play. Melissa and Doug wooden play food sets are one of our go-to toys. The flip and serve pancake set looks like something she would enjoy. Audrey is just starting to show an interest in dress up, and I love the Melissa and Doug doctor set. Mommy can always use a check-up.
For my Preschooler
My little boy is all about animals. MMB recently started selling Safari LTD. I love that these toys can be bought and collected into groups or families. Levi would love the dragons and dogs. The quality seems to be amazing, too. Water WOW books by Melissa and Doug are also one of his favorite things from MMB. He loves construction everything and is just starting to show an interest in coloring. Board games are also one of his interests currently, so the Haba Catch Me Game or Peaceable Kingdom games to go might be something to invest in.
For my Big Kid
My oldest child is a girl and she loves anything crafty and creative. MMB sells Melissa and Doug decoupage made easy craft sets. I think she would love the puppy. She is also very into Calico Critters. The little animals are darling and fun to play with. Lately, she has decided she needs to be pampered a little. The DaBomb bath fizzers are fun and contain a mystery toy. The disco bomb is new and rainbow colored.
For Me
Simply Southern is one of my favorite things MMB sells currently. I would love a reusable tote, long sleeve holiday tee, and one of those soft, soft sherpas for this winter. Saranoni always has my heart. A new blanket for my bed would be luxurious and I would love to see these go on sale this Black Friday. The Bequet caramels and Whimiscal Candy bars are items I buy regularly. They make great gifts, too. Jujube diaper bags are another must have for me. They’re more expensive, so of course I’m hoping for a great sale this year. Hello Kitty on a bag--yes please!
So when Black Friday arrives, I am hoping some of my wish list will be on sale. I love shopping at MMB. It’s easy. The rewards are awesome, and I always find unique, long-lasting gifts for my kids. Let the shopping begin!
Karyn Meyerhoff is a mom of three in Arkansas where she loves to shop at MMB and can’t wait to hear about all of this year’s specials.