Back to School Gift Guide
Erin Burt
Like it or not, school is just around the corner. Whether you jump for joy, fret, or lament… back to school is getting underway. I can almost smell the school supplies from the home office section of my local grocer.
Speaking of local, make sure you check out the unique, cute, and environmentally friendly range of goodies at your local Mom’s Milk Boutique now. (Remember to keep coming back through August as more back to school goodies are always arriving!)
Lunchboxes and backpacks are the obvious need, but don’t forget reusable cups for both backpack and lunchbox. Food containers, from sandwich bags to snack canisters to reusable napkins and utensils, are also great ways to cut our impact on the environment and save money, all while exhibiting our personal style.
New undergarments often find their way into your basket this time of year at the super store, so check out GroVia and Kickee first (check out the jammies too!). Super cute undies for your younger school-aged kids…and don’t forget the shoes! Saltwater sandals by Hoy shoes are durable for the playground until snow hits the ground, and come in sizes from toddler to teacher!
Don’t forget the little backpack stuffers, like hand sanitizers for after (or before…) lunch and sunscreen for playground time. I will always, always find a use for a wetbag. Wetbags win the day whether your little one needs a change of clothes provided (just stick ‘em in the bag so no plastic is necessary when an accident occurs), or someone’s gym clothes get a little stinky.
For the babe that is too young to go, consider getting him or her in the spirit with a few school-themed toys, like a bus or notebook to start the school season out like big sibling does.
And, saving the best for last, I provide you celebration and high fives for making it through another scorcher.
Next week: Christmas shopping! ...I kid, I kid.
Lynette is a mom of three children from ages 2 to 6. She has cloth diapered all three since birth and enjoys all things eco-friendly and mindful living.